Can I request my branch to be merged when a code review is complete?

A user requesting a code review can use the Merge checkbox to request assignees automatically merge their branch once it gets approved. If the merge checkbox is selected then only users who have write access to the repository can be chosen as the assignee. Also note that if branch permissions are enabled for the repository then the assignee will also have to have merge access to the code review's base branch.

If the code review is ready to be approved but the branch is showing there are conflicts in version control then the branch cannot be approved and merged until the conflicts are resolved locally. Once the conflicts have been resolved then the assignee can approve and merge the branch right away with a single click of the Approve button.

If the code review was set up to merge the branch upon approval the assignee has the option to bypass this and just approve without merging by using the merge checkbox above the Approve button. The merge can then be done at a later time whenever you are ready from the Branches page.

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