Integrating with Harvest

Beanstalk can integrate with your Harvest account to log in hours for specific tasks every time you commit.

What it looks like

How to set up integration 

After you have created your Beanstalk account, and created your repository, you can integrate the repository with Harvest.

In order to integrate Harvest with Beanstalk, you need to setup the integration settings within your repository. To do this, go to your Repository, then Setup → Integration → Harvest. To get started with the setup, click on Harvest icon, and then on Activate integration button inside the page.

Enter your Harvest account URL, the email address and password you use to sign into Harvest. To use the integration with multiple users make sure their emails match in both Beanstalk and Harvest.   


On next step, choose the project you would like to integrate the repository with.


After choosing project, on next step, set up default tasks for your users. If you setup default tasks for users, they don't need to write task tags with every commit. Users are always able to overwrite default task by using commit tag.


Check and make sure everything is correct, and on last step hit “Activate”. You will be able to change your settings or deactivate at any time.


How to use the integration

When you commit new data you can define the hours of the task you worked on.

To do this:

  • Add a note for the commit followed by (this is an example) [time:1.0 task:admin]
  • “1.0” is the amount of hours spent
  • “admin” is the task I worked on

For example, this could be your commit message:

Fixed logo positioning in IE6 [time:2.00 task:admin]

A list of the supported Time tags you can use in your commit messages can be found here.

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